15+ Best Selling Social Media HTML Templates 2024
It is very amazing to see you here with an exceptional listing today. We are talking about some widely used and extra helpful bootstrap HTML templates, Social Networking WordPress Themes, social media HTML templates, personal portfolio HTML templates, SEO HTML templates and related web templates. These wonderful bootstrap HTML templates can be used by social media marketers, website designers and developers, SEO experts, accountants, graphic designers, digital marketers, freelancers etc. You can also use them for social community, job portal and corporate websites. All of them and responsive to every kind of electronic device. They are cross browser compatible too. You will find them well-documented. Having coding knowledge of various languages is must. Having past coding experience is a plus point. Let’s read more about them without wasting a single minute.
Friendkit – Social Media UI Kit
Friendkit is a high-performance social media and entertainment HTML template that comes with more than 100 demo page designs with an amazing feature of dark mode which gives your website stunning look. It is built on Bulma that is a robust and reliable CSS framework. It should be counted in the list of most popular and beautiful social media web templates and personal portfolio HTML templates. You will find clean and organized code in this social media HTML template that will help you a lot in any type of editing in code. Check out its online demo for a better user experience.
Friendbook – Social Network Social Media Community UI Toolkit Responsive Html Template
Friendbook is a clean and minimal layout social media community platform and entertainment HTML template that is specially designed and developed for social networking websites and online community forums. More than 12 news feeds designs are available with this entertainment HTML template and all of them look absolutely great so you can use them on your social networking website. It comes with a dedicated and professional technical team support that helps to resolve bugs and issues you face.
Pitnik – Social Network Social Media Community UI Toolkit Responsive Template
Pitnik is a 100% responsive and mobile-friendly entertainment HTML template and social media HTML template that works perfectly on types of digital devices with all screen resolutions such as a mobile, tablet, a desktop that is specially designed and developed for social networking websites and online community forums. It is a cross-browser-compatible social media web template or bootstraps HTML template so you don’t need to worry about supported web browsers because it supports all major web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.
HearMe – React Next Social Media Personal Portfolio
Take a look at this super-exciting and powerful social media web template or entertainment HTML Template that is included in the names of highly extensive and top-rated social media HTML templates because a large number of online social media platforms are using this entertainment HTML template with great feedback. We strongly recommend this bootstrap HTML template to our users because it comes with a flexible layout design with a bundle of customization options in it. Please check out its online demo to get more familiar with its user interface.
Socimo – Social Network Community with Online LMS Market Place Template
Socimo is a tremendous entertainment HTML template that is one of the highly recommended and modern design social Media HTML templates, bootstrap HTML templates, and personal portfolio HTML templates. It is a highly SEO optimized social media web template that is designed and built with semantic HTML tags and CSS that improve your website’s on-page SEO and it helps you to come up with top-ranking search results against user queries on search engine platforms. Live chat, video sharing, profile pages, collection of widgets, and much more super exciting features you will get on Socimo.
iSeo, Digital Marketing, Social Media HTML Template
It is a phenomenal social media marketing HTML template. It is suitable for social media marketers, website designers and developers, SEO specialists etc. It is responsive to all sorts of electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets, iPads, laptops, iPhones computers. It is highly responsive irrespective of various gadget brands and screen sizes. It is responsive to Chrome, Firefox and various versions of Internet Explorer. It comes with useful features and helpful customization options.
Metrics Business – SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media HTML Template
Metrics Business is another superb social media marketing HTML template. It can be used by social media marketers, digital marketers, SEO experts, website designers and developers, accountants, graphic designers and freelancers. It is responsive to different types of electronic devices and their respective screen sizes. It is cross browser compatible to almost every browser including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge etc. It is well documented which will help backend web developers in a useful way.
Friend Finder – Social Network HTML5 Template
Friend Finder is a digital marketing HTML template. It is suitable for marketers. It can be used to create websites for related purposes like social media marketing, website designing and development and SEO specialisation. It is responsive as well as cross browser compatible. It is well documented. It comes with different coding files packaged when you go for purchase. It is one of the top rated social media marketing HTML templates on Themeforest. Lets click on the demo button below to find out its real features.
Adda – Social Network HTML Template
Adda is a social media HTML template like other suggested digital marketing HTML templates. It is responsive to different types of electronic gadgets irrespective of their brands and screen sizes. It is compatible to various internet browsers to facilitate users in a maximum way. It is also well documented. It has positive reviews and verified ratings that will absolutely grab your attention. You can use it for technical purpose. Many users have used it and they are still with it. Lets check out more about it.
Digimax – SEO & Digital Marketing Agency HTML Template
Digimax is a social media marketing HTML template. It is suitable for digital marketing agencies, software houses, web designing houses, SEO agencies social media marketers. It is responsive to almost every kind of electronic device. It is 100% mobile friendly to facilitate marketers in a helpful way. They can easily showcase their marketing services to the people online. It is cross browser compatible as well to all famous internet browsers in the market. It does require coding knowledge. It is for those who have knowledge about various coding languages.
Osahanin – Job Portal & Social Network HTML Template
Osahanin is a beautiful social media marketing HTML template. It can work as a job portal template as well for job providing, recruitment and training agencies. It can also work for social media marketers, web developers, software developers, graphic designers, SEO experts etc. It is responsive as well as cross browser compatible. It is well documented to guide developers that how they should work on it. It is one of the best rated and widely used social media HTML templates in the market.
Vikinger – Social Community and Marketplace HTML Template
Vikinger is a social media marketing HTML template. It is suitable for social communities and marketplaces. It is responsive to all types of electronic gadgets. It is 100% mobile friendly. It comes with beautiful features including fonts, colours, layouts, icons, sliders, styles and other essential elements. It has beautiful homepage layouts too. It consists beautiful premade sections for galleries, portfolios, teamwork, contact etc. Lets hit the demo button below to read more about it.
SeoNim – SEO & Digital Marketing Agency HTML Template
SeoNim is a social media marketing HTML template. It is suitable for digital marketing agencies, SEO experts, website designers and developers, freelancers and accountants. It facilities providing SEO services to small and large scale businesses. It is responsive to all types of electronic gadgets and their respective screen sizes. It is cross browser compatible too. By reading its features, you will come to know that it has the ability to work for your website. It comes with helpful 24/7 support options for backend developers. What else do you want? Click on the demo button now.
Flat Logistic – SEO, Social Media & Multipurpose HTML5 Template
Flat Logistic is a social media marketing HTML template. It is a bootstrap HTML template that is highly responsive to all types of electronic devices. It is cross browser compatible to almost every internet browser including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer etc. It is well documented to facilitate backend coders. Having coding knowledge is must for it. If a coder has past experience then it is beneficial for him. It has been used by various users. Lets click on the demo button to read all about its features and other stuff.
Workwise – The Freelancer And Social Networking HTML Template
Workwise is a social media marketing HTML template. It can be used by freelancers, social media marketers, SEO experts, digital marketers, graphic designers, photographers, software developers and freelancers. It is well documented to guide coders. It is responsive as well as cross browser compatible. It is beautiful homepage layouts, sliders, styles, icons, fonts, color schemes and so on. It has beautiful premade sections where you can showcase your services to the people online.
Winku – Social Community Network Toolkit & Corporate Responsive Template
Winku is a social media HTML template that is useful for more than one purposes. It can be used by social community networks as well as corporate sectors. It is responsive to all types of electronic gadgets and their respective screen sizes. It is cross browser compatible as well to many internet browsers that are renowned in the market. It is well documented. If requires coding knowledge in various languages. You can use it according to your business purpose. Lets click on its demo first.