World leaders suggest work from home

COVID-19: World leaders suggest ‘work from home’

Coronavirus has changed everything in the world including world economy, lifestyles, business settlements, success rates, population range and most probably everything. World leaders found it that getting rid of this virus is just impossible for almost 1 year. People are going to suffer more and more because there is no vaccine of it and some people from few countries are not taking it so seriously. Overall, only a person is enough to spread it to others. To keep on working and helping out students, business owners and employees, a new trend has been introduced in the world that is known as “work from home”.

It must be noted that working from home is not a new thing. People had been working from home for years. Usually those people who are related IT generally work from home. Content writers, graphic designers, website designers, video editors and software developers usually work from home. But now every business and every office has been closed for months and all people in the world are working from home. All students in the world study through online education networks. There is no employer or employee who goes outside for work now. It must be noted that every company cannot run at home that is related to electrical industry, mechanical industry, textile industry, factories or even financial hubs. No engineering sector can work from financial hubs. No engineering sector can work from home in long run successfully. European countries are being badly tortured through this including Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Belgium etc.

Lets see what happens to the world economy ahead. No one can’t imagine that what is going to happen to the world economy in future. In fact, Asia is also facing tough time. Lets see that what is going to happen and who is going to win the race between economy and coronavirus. Only one can exist successfully. If it does not stop then it will absolutely hurt economy in large scale. World has been facing such pandemics for centuries but let’s see what happens next and when does this coronavirus leave this world. Till then, keep on working from home, stay motivated and keep on planning strictly to stand in every stage.

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