Covid-19 – Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment
Yes, so today we are here with a crucial, viral and heartbreaking topic that has taken lives of many people around the globe. This is none other than coronavirus. This is a pandemic disease that does not take seconds to transmit for one person to another. It is a social disease. It is a global disease. No one is safe from it. This virus came from animals for the first time and transmitted to a human. It is now transmitted only from human to human and no animal is involved in it now. An important thing that should be known is that your pets are insensitive to this virus. This virus can’t be transmitted to your animals and your pets cannot hurt you through coronavirus. People used to hurt animals and got a virus that hurts them now. This virus started from Wuhan, China in December 2019 and now it has spread in all over the world. Every country is facing it. Well, without wasting a lot of time, lets talk about its prevention, symptoms and treatment.
Most of us do not think about the prevention and then we cry in the end. Anyway, the problem is big and pandemic. It is beyond our imagination. But the prevention is 100% easy and we can do it without having any pills or equipment.
The preventive measures that should be adopted are:
1. You just need to stay at home. Yes, stop going for parties, picnics etc.
2. Stop doing social involvement. Every person needs to be at home and disconnect meeting each other physically.
3. You should not touch your face through your hand.
4. Clean your hands with soap for every 20 seconds.
5. Cover your nose and mouth through face masks.
6. Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze.
7. Use hand sanitizer.
8. Cover yourself properly.
9. Clean your hands after finding them contacted with currency notes, keys, wallets, door locks etc. Wherever you find human hand to hand contact, just clean your hands for 20 seconds through any soap.
Finally, if you do not take care of yourself then obviously, you will invite this uninvited pandemic disease. But relax, its 98% curable. But don’t relax, it devastates everything speedily. But if you find these symptoms then you should actually control on yourself then. You should care about you. Lets take a look at some regular to horrific symptoms.
1. Fever
2. Dry cough
3. Tiredness
4. Running nose
5. Nasal congestion
6. Sore throat
7. Pains
8. Aches
9. Loss of taste/smell
10. Diarrhea
11. Continuous cough
These are the symptoms. Symptoms can vary on people from bad to worst condition. Some people who are aged like they are more than 50 years old or those people who are already ill can find it little hard to fight against coronavirus. Heart patients, high blood pressure patients, diabetic patients, chronic respiratory ill patients are at high risk of fighting with this pandemic disease. If you have or anyone in your surroundings has travel history then please stay isolated as soon as possible for at least 14 days. Almost 1 out of 6 coronavirus patients becomes serious.
Coronavirus, a pandemic disease that has no treatment. Yes, the world has no vaccine, no medicine and no equipment against it. If you are suffering from coronavirus then you have no option but to stay in quarantine for at least 14 days.
What can save you is prevention only. So please prevent. Stay at your home. Stay at your home and stay at your home stay at your home. Be safe and avoid close contact even from your family members. Distance should be at least 6 feet.
May God bless you all!